Introducing Native Floater Ads (In-Page Push)

Introducing Native Floater Ads (In-Page Push)

Ad Types

Introducing Native Floater Ads: engaging users while they browse their favorite site through a native-like experience.

We’re excited to introduce a brand new advertising format that is set to become a game-changer for advertisers and publishers. Native Floater Ads (or "in-page push"), fully integrate into the user experience while they browse - creating an effective solution which is easy to implement, giving creative flexibility to run campaigns that bring unprecedented eCPM for publishers and ROI for advertisers.

How does it work?

Native Floater Ads look and feel familiar to users. Visually, they are similar to a push notification or a native ad on a website. They appear directly on the publisher’s site while the user is browsing. There’s no need for opt-in or subscription to display these messages, which work across all platforms and browsers (including iOS). What’s more, the format can be controlled to change the size, content, and screen placement, making it one of our most dynamic and flexible formats.

What does it look like?

Key Benefits For Publishers

  1. Easy to implement: works across all browsers and platforms.
  2. Creative Flexibility: customize the size of the creative, its location, and the direction it appears into the screen to ensure a user-friendly native feel
  3. Content Control: publishers can choose and control the content and the specific verticals promoted in this format, avoiding categories that don’t suit the audience.
  4. Highest eCPM: this new format is the result of our optimization technology and research. It was created to deliver the highest eCPM in the industry for publishers.
  5. Frequency Cap: messages can be stacked, showing multiple messages on screen simultaneously while giving publishers the option to cap the frequency.
  6. Worldwide Coverage: benefit from our worldwide coverage. Since the format doesn’t rely on OS or opt-ins, you can reach all site visitors in a way that is effective and visually familiar for them to interact with ads.
  7. Compatible with all devices including iOS: since it’s part of the web browsing experience and not dependent on a mobile OS, it is a great way to target iOS users while they browse.

To register and implement the Native Floater on your site click HERE

Key Benefits For Advertisers

  1. High conversion: the format is extremely friendly and not intrusive for the user. The native feel and familiarity leads to higher CTR, and also high after-click performance.
  2. Widest audience reach: make the most of our enormous global network, with first-hand direct traffic to reach your audience. Works across all browsers and platforms, helping you reach anyone that visits a website - any device, any browser.
  3. ROI: get exceptional ROI by being an early user of this brand-new format before competition and demand for the format increases.
  4. Creative Freedom: customize the size of your creative, design, and text for maximum impact - making the most of a format that connects which triggers engagement through its native feel.
  5. Brand Safety: select and control the sites and verticals in which brands and products are promoted
  6. Anti-fraud: we screen and monitor traffic quality in real-time to ensure you only get clicks from real users.  

To register and start promoting your offers on the Native Floater click HERE

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