Posted: 2020-02-19

Many of you have been asking about the impact of Google Chrome 80, in particular around changes on push notifications. The latest Chrome version introduced quieter notification permission UI across mobile and desktop.

What does this mean?

  • Users who repeatedly deny notifications across websites will be automatically enrolled in the quieter notifications UI.
  • Sites with very low acceptance rates will be automatically enrolled in quieter prompts. They will be automatically unenrolled once the user experience is improved.

What does it look like?

admaven chrome 80 push notifications

What can I do?

✔ Remember that push notifications are alive and kicking! They’re still a very efficient format and the decrease in opt-in subscriptions isn’t significant for now… so don’t underestimate how effective they will be in the near future.

✔ Learn more about our Floating Push, our latest format which provides an amazing alternative for advertisers. These in-page ‘push-like’ ads work across any device & browser and bring unprecedented ROI for Advertisers. Learn more.

✔ Speak with an AdMaven account manager today to learn more about the implications of this update on your site’s monetization. Get in touch.
