Play it right and make money with sports events traffic

Play it right and make money with sports events traffic

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sports events

In this post, we'll try and give you some ideas on how to best monetize sporting events as affiliates.

Timing is everything

First, a simple rule sometimes missed by affiliates: don’t forget to set your campaigns to run on the days and hours of the events. It's recommended to start running the campaigns at least three hours before the actual sporing event, because users will be looking for the live streaming channels in advance.

The bigger the event, the bigger the traffic and the better it converts if played right. Adjust your campaign to be global or geo-oriented, according to the match and phase of a tournament. International sporting events usually draw the attention of people all over the world, but it also depends on the schedule. If a game is played when people on one side of the world are asleep, then you won't get traffic from that area. Timing is everything, so watch the clock and make smart choices.

Use the right offer

While many offers might convert and show an increased performance, there are some offer verticals that stands above all.

Our experience shows that VPN and Proxy apps and subscription (either mobile or desktop) work great as well as VOD offers, sports bet offers, dating and even casino.


Pick the correct ad formats

Push ads and in-page push are the number one formats for monetizing sports events traffic.

They blend perfectly with the websites users are watching matches on, and appear exactly on the right tune.

New tab pops will also perform well as they grab the user's attention.

It's important that you test those formats on small sporting events, to see how they perform for you, so when the huge events come, you'll be ready for them.

in-page push

Creative, creative, creative

While many run similar offers of the same verticals, there are some affiliates that have the entire flow in place.

Try and adjust your offer creatives, landings and pre-landings to match the event and be even more specific and adjust them per match. This can increase results by 50%

creative live video

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