How to Earn More Money from your Website Traffic

How to Earn More Money from your Website Traffic

Advertising Tips

Publishers are constantly trying to generate the best revenue possible, while keeping the right balance between ads, content and user experience. With that said, there's quite a lot you can do in order to maximize your website's revenue, even assuming that your traffic is the same.

Here are a few tips that will help you monetize your existing traffic more efficiently:

Use AdBlock bypass codes to show ads to 100% of your users

About 30% of the users use some sort of AdBlock on their browser - this is a pure loss of revenue for you as a publisher.

Using AdMaven's AdBlock bypass solution, you will be able to show ads to 100% of your users and makeup to 30%-40% more revenue. These users aren't used to seeing ads, so their value is sometimes higher than regular users.

Choose the right ad format and place it correctly on your website

There are many ad formats -  from banners, pop ads, push notifications, sliders and more.
Each format has its own advantages and disadvantages, and each will work differently given a certain user behavior, traffic blend and site vertical. Once selected, you should place the ad at the page and timing that will suit the user's behavior.

Configure the chosen ad formats correctly to maximum results

Ad formats can perform differently depending on how they are configured.

AdMaven has a few configurable factors that can affect the performance significantly such as global cap, session cap, frequency and time between ads display:

Cap of ads per user - The number of ads a user sees per time frame (usually 24 hours) is critical. Increasing those caps will show the user more ads and will yield higher revenue, up to a point where it starts damaging the user experience.

Consult with your account manager in order to find the best balance and set the cap correctly. In the end, there are no "magic" solutions. AdMaven offers you professionalism, experience, and dedication; those are the keys for our success.

To learn more about ways to increase your revenue, contact your account manager or CLICK HERE

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