Google’s Latest Announcement – Always Be One Step Ahead

Google’s Latest Announcement – Always Be One Step Ahead


Here at AdMaven we consider it our mission to always keep one eye on the horizon, foresee the obstacles coming and plan ahead to keep our AdMaven Publishers happy. We do just that by developing top-edge products and assisting you to maintain high profits. Google announced this week that starting July 9, their adlocker will go global, covering all geo’s –​As part of the AdMaven mission, we have already seen this obstacle coming a long time ago and started developing new and advanced products to make sure you will not feel any change in revenues once this release goes live.Products like the Native Push and Push in-page have already been released this past year and these coming months we will unveil more products designed to make your life easier and your sites profitable. Talk to our account managers today to hear all about what AdMaven has to offer you.

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