Tips to adjust ad creatives to connect with people stuck at home

Tips to adjust ad creatives to connect with people stuck at home


With web traffic rising and conversions growing across key verticals including gaming, entertainment, utility apps, and anti-virus installs - advertisers need to adjust their creatives to connect with over one billion customers stuck at home.

How can I make my ad creatives more effective?

1. Be entertaining: with people tired from reading sad news and bored from being stuck at home, showing something that entertains or amuses has a lot of value.

2. Rethink Seasonality: as we get closer to summer and the weather changes, ads are full of typical summer vacation imagery - music festivals, beach parties, and exotic travel. Adjust your creatives to showcase spring’s arrival without the typicalvacation ads that could seem out of touch.

3. Indoors Fun and Joy: leverage the boom in indoors activities such as cooking, exercising, meditating at home, or playing with kids. Talking about things that people can do at home will help place your ads in a positive light and in the context of what your target audience is experiencing.

4. Be positive! Now it might be the wrong time to run campaigns that use negative reinforcement or fear to sell products. With so many sad news, people are more likely to engage with campaigns that see the brighter side and helps them remain active, happy, and uplifted.

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