Staying On Top Of Your AdMaven Earnings & Choosing How To Get Paid

Staying On Top Of Your AdMaven Earnings & Choosing How To Get Paid


Getting paid as apublisher working with AdMaven has never been easier. 

We give our publishersthe ability to choose their preferred payment method, with multiplealternatives including PayPal, Payoneer, bank wire transfer, Bitcoin, Paxum,WebMoney, and Epayments. 

Simply choose thedesired payment method in your dashboard.

Which payment method isbest for me?

Choosing the right payment method for you will mostly depend onyour personal needs as a publisher, as well as your geographic location. Forexample, if your priority is receiving fast payments, good alternatives includePayoneer, Paypal, BTC, or Paxum over a wire transfer.

Remember that differentpayment companies have different fee policies that are beyond our control soyou might want to be selective to minimize these costs. Since not all countries accept all payment terms, we have included awide range of alternatives so all publishers worldwide can get their paymentson time.

Some of the fee policiesfor some of our payment methods to take into consideration:

Can I review earningsfor each of my sites separately?

Often, publishers ownmore than one domain. For these instances, we developed an easy reportingsolution in our dashboard. Simply go to the report section, and select a sitefrom your portfolio in the site name filter. You can then click on the site'sname with the specific ad type and date range. That’s it, you’ll have theearning stats you need for your desired domain. 

It is possible to viewyour total revenue for each site along with multiple tags under them. Theseresults will help you improve the monetization across your portfolio of sites.Make the most of our dashboard by filtering by site, placement/s, and dateranges. 

Use your “PublisherReports” to extract and generate your daily revenue stats. Whether you need toreview yesterday’s stats, the last 7 days, the last 30 days, this month, lastmonth, or a custom time range in which you can extract data from the exactdates that you need - using multiple tags simultaneously to filter thedata.  

We hope you find thesereporting tools useful to get the best insights and improve your revenues withAdMaven’s products. Also, we hope that our wide range of payment options helpsyou simplify and facilitate the payment process. 

If you have any doubts aboutwhich is the best payment method for your sites or how to make the most of ourplatform’s revenue analytics tools get in touch with our support team HERE!

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