News Roundup, April 16th: Covid-19 impact on advertising

News Roundup, April 16th: Covid-19 impact on advertising


To keep you informed and up to date with the latest industry shifts and updates, here’s a list of the best weekly articles that explain and predict how the current crisis is impacting our ad network industry.

Business Insider: The coronavirus pandemic will dramaticallychange advertising

The Verge: Google to begin lifting coronavirus ad ban

Crowell Moring: Advertisers Beware: Regulators Cracking Down on False Coronavirus Claims

Wall Street Journal: Companies Avoid Advertising Next toCoronavirus News

The Drum: IAB urges advertisers in Australia to stop keyword blocking of coronavirus topics

AdNews: US media buyers see the coronavirus as bigger threat to advertising than the GFC

New York Post: Publishers try to bypass blacklisted words ascoronavirus pandemic drains ad sales

Digiday: Green shoots: Publishers see ad activityreturn in China

If you have any questions or need advice to find new solutions, get in touch with an AdMaven representative to explore the possibilities.

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