AdMaven Insights on Forbes

AdMaven Insights on Forbes


AdMaven Insights on Forbes: Which Publishers & App verticals Are Thriving With Over A Billion People Stuck At Home?

At AdMaven, we’re always looking for ways to explore and share the latest industry trends and insights. This new article on Forbes uses key AdMaven data to showcase some of the verticals which saw a significant uplift over the past few months – with websites and apps where millions of people are spending a huge portion of their time, attention, and money.

The Covid-19 crisis brought many industries to a halt, which has had a domino effect on hundreds of other industries through suppliers and partners. While it is a bleak picture across many sectors, people at home are eager to remain connected, entertained, and joyful. Our collective behavior is changing, and as a result of this, some publishers, apps, and other business verticals are flourishing. For some, it’s because they sell basic products that are necessities that people can purchase conveniently, others as a result of financial uncertainty and others simply because people want to stay entertained while at home.  

Besides the obvious winners such as streaming platforms or news outlets, there are unexpected verticals like fintech or productivity apps that saw a significant spike in demand over the past three months. But not everyone will emerge a winner. In fact, even Google and Facebook are expected to lose an estimated $44 billion worth of ad revenue in 2020 due to coronavirus — in spite of the increases in online engagement.  

Don’t miss this must-read on Forbes, and the interesting AdMaven data within it, which will show you the publishers and apps that are booming right now.

Read the full article in Forbes

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